knitzee all the time

Knitting and crocheting in Newark Delaware.

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Location: Middletown, Delaware, United States

Monday, December 18, 2006

Well my knitting is not. I have not had the time to touch my needles or to even think of a new project that I could start let alone finish. My new passion right now is collecting old baby dolls. Maybe I could find a project to make for the dolls, a nice sweater or booties. Once Christmas is over and I have my holiday week off maybe I will have the time to finally sit and relax. I need to also incorporate excercise into my plan if I am to knit...sitting and knitting make big woman! There is also a contest to win a "minder kit" from Simple knitting Mag that I am joining .... last time I won a designer knitting needle case, that was very cool.